Publish Date:

Mar 18, 2024

Serial Number:


Views: 130
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Amine Aboussalah


Amine Aboussalah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance and Risk Engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

Quantum computing reduces systemic risk in financial networks

Key Findings

This paper introduces a new methodology for solving Mixed Integer Linear Programming problems with constraints using quantum computing in the context of systemic risk.


In highly connected financial networks, the failure of a single institution can cascade into additional bank failures. This systemic risk can be mitigated by adjusting the loans, holding shares, and other liabilities connecting institutions in a way that prevents cascading of failures. We are approaching the systemic risk problem by attempting to optimize the connections between the institutions. In order to provide a more realistic simulation environment, we have incorporated nonlinear/discontinuous losses in the value of the banks. To address scalability challenges, we have developed a two-stage algorithm where the networks are partitioned into modules of highly interconnected banks and then the modules are individually optimized. We developed new algorithms for classical and quantum partitioning for directed and weighted graphs (first stage) and a new methodology for solving Mixed Integer Linear Programming problems with constraints for the systemic risk context (second stage). We compare classical and quantum algorithms for the partitioning problem. Experimental results demonstrate that our two-stage optimization with quantum partitioning is more resilient to financial shocks, delays the cascade failure phase transition, and reduces the total number of failures at convergence under systemic risks with reduced time complexity.


  • #Mathematical Optimization
  • #Financial Networks
  • #Systemic Risk




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  • Machine Learning

Author Type

  • Academic


  • Amine Aboussalah