Publish Date:

Sep 18, 2024

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Rama Cont


Professor of Mathematics, Chair of Mathematical Finance, University of Oxford

Tail-GAN: Learning to Simulate Tail Risk Scenarios

Key Findings

Our idea involves a set of user-defined benchmark trading strategies to guide the training of the scenario generator to match the properties of their loss distributions. Focusing on a finite set of trading strategies leads to a dimension reduction, reducing the task to learning K one-dimensional distributions. Building on the concept of dimension reduction through the PnLs of benchmark trading strategies, we introduce a novel data-driven approach to simulate high-dimensional time series that represent financial market scenarios.


The estimation of loss distributions for dynamic portfolios requires the simulation of scenarios representing realistic joint dynamics of their components. We propose a novel data-driven approach for simulating realistic, high-dimensional multi-asset scenarios, focusing on accurately representing tail risk for a class of static and dynamic trading strategies. We exploit the joint elicitability property of Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) to design a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that learns to simulate price scenarios preserving these tail risk features. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on synthetic and market data sets through detailed numerical experiments.

  • Carlo Acerbi. Spectral measures of risk: A coherent representation of subjective risk aversion. Journal of Banking & Finance, 26(7):1505–1518, 2002. Rama Cont. Empirical properties of asset returns: stylized facts and statistical issues. Quantitative Finance, 1(2): 223–236, 2001. URL Rama Cont, Romain Deguest, and Xue Dong He. Loss-based risk measures. Statistics and Risk Modeling, 30(2): 133–167, 2013. URL Rama Cont, Mihai Cucuringu, Jonathan Kochems, and Felix Prenzel. Limit order book simulation with generative adversarial networks. Available at SSRN 4512356, 2023

  • #Scenario simulation
  • #Generative models
  • #Generative adversarial networks (GAN)
  • #Time series
  • #Universal approximation
  • #Expected shortfall
  • #Value at risk
  • #Risk measures
  • #Elicitability.




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  • Machine Learning

Author Type

  • Academic


  • Rama Cont